Abnormal nervous system function, can cause pain or tingling in the arms or legs. It can also feel as if the nerve itself is burning or it can become numb. This depends on what part of the nerve is affected. Your immune system is under nervous system regulation and problems in the spine and nervous system can lead to chronic or repetetive flu.
By increasing movement in the spine and reducing stiffness in the spine we can help improve posture, movement and nerve flow in the body. People often report that they sleep better, have less pain and numbness in the arms and legs, and that burning sensation in the nerve becomes less with regular chiropractic care. One of the most powerful ways to keep your immune system functioning normally is to have a nervous system that works to the best of its ability.
Our goal is your total recuperation, full health and vitality!
All pictures on our webpage are of real people that have visited the office before and during chiropractic care.